Take Control Of Your Notes With
Clibu Notes
Effortless Note-Taking, Anywhere, Anytime on Any Device.

Why choose Clibu Notes?
Simplify your Note Taking and enhance your productivity.
Take Notes Anywhere, Anytime. Whether you're on your smartphone, tablet, or desktop, Clibu Notes has got you covered. No more worrying about connectivity issues -- your data is stored locally on your device for instant access.
Experience full-featured editors, backlinks, tags, WYSIWYG, and Markdown support. Clibu Notes is designed to make note-taking and Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) as simple and effective as possible.
No Internet? No problem. With Clibu Notes, everything just works. Capture your thoughts and ideas seamlessly, wherever you are.
This gives you a freedom you've likely never had before.
Never worry about conflicting changes again. All updates, by anyone, are consistently resolved once you're online, ensuring your information is always up-to-date.
With Clibu Notes, finding information is easy, and retaining knowledge is effortless.
Start your journey to better note-taking today! Join the Clibu Notes community and discover how simple, effective note-taking can transform your productivity and knowledge retention.
Discover how Clibu Notes versatile features enhance and speed up your note taking.
Full Featured Editors
Use Markdown, Keyboard shortcuts, Slash commands menu and Toolbars to efficiently edit WYSIWYG content.
Link related notes using Backlinks and group them using colored Hierarchical Tags.
Use Ordered, Unordered and Task Lists. Paste and resize Images. Move blocks around. Collapse blocks. Highlight text ...
A Tree of Notes + Work Spaces
Organize your Notes into a Hierarchical Tree. View by Title, My Order, Date Updated and Date Created Order.
Shape the Tree using drag & drop and use My Order to create precisely the order you want.
Spaces enable you to segment the tree and focus on a single branch of notes.
List and Grid Views
View selected notes, search results and filtered items in either a list or grid view.
Note cards include Date created/updated, views count and tree branch.
Set the Note icon and title color and open them in an editor.
Find the notes you need
Instant full text search. Filter for dates, note color & icon or title, either across all notes or in a specific folder.
Weighted results and stemming show the best matches first.
Organize notes in folders, with multiple views and sort orders.
Use any device, even Offline
Smartphone, Tablet, Desktop, Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox we handle them all.
Install as a native application on any device.
Designed from the ground up for offline first use. This gives you the freedom to seamlessly roam from device to device knowing all changes go with you when you connect again.
Backup, Restore and Export
Be safe in the knowledge that you can backup and restore your content.
Have peace of mind knowing your content can be exported to markdown and used in other applications.
Words from real users
Unsolicated testimonials from real users, not fake ones!
"I have been using Clibu notes and really enjoying it so far!
It's really easy to sync notes from one platform to another, which is what I am really looking for.
The ability to open multiple documents in side-by-side editors (and being able to switch between them) is such a convenient feature.
Right now, I use my phone for "on the go" notes and my computer for organizing.
In general, I am enjoying my Clibu experience because it's everything I would have wanted by syncing notes correctly."
Kimberley M
United States
"Early days but looking good.
I started years ago with Evernote - then Nimbus Notes - and then very recently moved to Google Keep. This does the job but is missing too many things that I want so I started looking again.
Clibu Notes was mentioned very positively in a comment to a review of something else so I decided to give it a try.
I am totally impressed if the whole of Clibu Notes was developed by you alone."
John E
New Zealand
"I love the way it looks.
I have used every damn note-taking app (Android, web, Windows, Linux) that I could find, and I can honestly say that Clibu Notes presents the most welcoming, easy-on-the-eyes front page I've seen.
I find a few of the functions mildly annoying (I will talk about those in a later note, unfortunately I am short of time) but even taking that into account, it's a pleasure to take quick notes and to write longer form with your app."
Steve H
United States
"I like it so far, I've mostly been experimenting with it and getting used to how it works.
It's been pretty easy to pick up on how the app works and that's a good sign :)
I wanted to say, I really like the Inbox. It's helpful to have a place links and notes can just go and not have to think about where they belong right away.
Also, was really happy to see Backup/restore and export as options. That's a lot of peace of mind to have those features."
Emily N
United States
"I have to tell you how amazed I am with clibu!
I have struggled with how best to have PWA / local first functionality.
By the way, Clibu should be at the top of the list on this page!!! Local-First Software"
Larry Eitel
Costa Rica
"I've had a bit more time to play around with this and coming from Evernote which has become overly bloated and plodding, I like the simplicity of Clibu.
Anyway, I think Clibu has a lot of potential and will be keeping an eye on developments."
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does Clibu Notes store my content?
Clibu Notes stores all of your content in a local database in the Browser, or more specifically in IndexedDb.
A Database enables far more robust control over your data than using text files on desk. It also enables seamless synchronization of updates across devices, including edits to the same note on different devices and by different people.
Are my Clibu Notes stored remotely and why?
Yes. We maintain a copy of your notes in a database on our Cloud Server. This enables us to synchronize your notes across your devices.
Further you can open Clibu Notes in a Browser on any device and it will create a local copy, if one doesn't already exist. So if you get a new device or are at an Internet Cafe you are good to go.
Unlike some applications each user has their own private database.
What are the benefits of storing content both locally and in the cloud?
Local enables fast access and the ability to work completely offline. Cloud enables us to synchronize changes across all devices.
Combining the two enables you to edit notes on multiple devices, whether on or offline and have all changes merged when online. It also enables full collaborative editing and sharing of content.
What devices will Clibu Notes run on?
Clibu Notes works on any device with a modern Web Browser. These include Smartphones, Tablets, Laptop and Desktop PCs. Running Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android and Linux.
Clibu Notes can also be Installed and run like any other application.
How much does Clibu Notes cost?
Until we reach a Version 1 release Clibu Notes is free to use. When Version 1 is ready, we are looking at around $5p/m with a discount for yearly.
We feel this is very reasonable for the functionality and benefits Clibu Notes delivers.
Is customer support available?
Absolutely, we are here to assist you with any questions or suggestions you may have. Feel free to reach out to us through our support channels, and we'll be happy to provide the help you need.
Get Immediate Access
Whether you're taking notes for personal use or work, experience Clibu Notes' simple, effective note taking.
Sign up now and we'll email access details.
You'll be up and running in a couple of minutes.
Reach out to us
Have questions? Feel free to contact us, we're here to help!
We're open to new ideas and are fully committed to delivering the best experience for our users.
Email us
info@clibu.comFollow us